Michael F. Tuman, Mike Tuman, (Flying Monkey Five November), (Psyopguru), (Chief), (Two Gun Tuman) served twenty seven years as a Chicago Police Detective with assignments ranging from Auto Theft, Homicide and the Special Victims Unit. He also lasted thirty eight years in the United States Army Reserve and sometimes the Army National Guard. Mike rose through the enlisted ranks from Private to Sergeant First Class. Given a choice of only two more promotions or the possibility of five more promotions, Mike became a Warrant Officer Candidate. He outlasted his peers and cohorts and was promoted through the Warrant Officer spectrum to the illustrious and rare rank of Chief Warrant Officer Five (CW5). Mike was called up to active service five times by various Presidents to serve in hazardous and combat zones. He has numerous other deployments that are not combat related but very important non the less. He is a two-time graduate of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, once at the Presidio of Monterey California and later at the Presidio of San Francisco California. In his civilian education Mike is still working diligently to obtain a GED. Mike writes for therapy, they say it is voluntary but he knows it really is not. Mike recently started hosting a radio show on WRMN 1410 AM every Saturday Noon until One.